Dropping off my siblings at their first day of school and saying goodbye was hard but at the same time really cool. I can't believe my little siblings are growing up so fast. I do miss them... but I have been home almost every weekend too so it hasn't been too hard to part!
Hey, I am in college now. I have been meaning to write about it because I am trying to document things but everything has been a mix of me being busy and crazy, to just plain too lazy to write.
But, I love college.
I love living in Salt Lake and living with my best friend in an actual college dorm. It really is the freshman, straight out of the house life. And it is grand.
I love my classes, college will always be hard, and some learning can be a little lest flavorful that others but overall I love everything. I especially love my creative writing class, and I feel really grown up having class discussions about each others writing.
I love how I found the perfect little place for my heart in a Jazz class here at the U. I love dancing and continuing dancing has been something that I have been a little worried about as I have been moving out and going to a university but I found the perfect thing for me! I also became part of a Jazz company that is so fun and a great opportunity for a freshman.
I love my new job. I work with great people that are really friendly and I love being able to help customers and do well at my job. I also love the fact that I am earning money for myself and I am starting to become more and more independent as a person. That is something that is really important to me.
I love the way I can randomly start a conversation with anyone from Rachel, the art major on the shuttle to class, to Bob the old man in a beaten up wheelchair on Trax that inspired me with stories about his life. I have loved meeting new people and I am always excited to meet more.
But most of all, I love how I feel absolutely blessed all the time. It isn't the huge changes but the small ones that mean the most to me. The other day it rained when I was really sad and that immediately cheered me up. The first time I forgot my key to my dorm, one of my roommates turned the corner with her key right as I was getting frustrated at myself. The longest, hardest day at work after a long day of school and homework, and just life stress ended with a Trax ride where the cutest little baby waved and smiled at me and made me probably the happiest person on that Train.
It really is the little things.
On top of all of that wonderful stuff! Football has been amazing. I love football more and more with every game I go to! The Utes really do the student section right too. The energy in the stadium, even when you aren't one of the actual players is unreal! Going to football games, especially the ones where we win have been a huge highlight of my time here at the U.
Off-Roads By: Kristen Lohner
From being young (only two)
I have seen it grow from a garden.
A small space
of my mind, seeing the cheating.
Seeing what happens to the aging truck
when it rusts and stops abruptly.
The ghosts, almost not there, start their twirling, whirling waltz abruptly,
and dance from nine till two.
I run out to dads old blue truck,
while destroying my moms perfect garden.
"I looked and she was cheating,
in the small add-on space."
I look to outer space,
a star goes out abruptly.
I asked aloud if, like them, it had been cheating.
If the star had really had two,
two in it's love, lust garden.
I open the door to the truck.
My mind off-roads and I break off the truck
tailgate and it flies into the dirt space.
I uproot the fine trimmed garden.
He found out so quickly, abruptly,
that he was not your "one and only" but your two.
But now you both were cheating
me. He whispers, "I saw her cheating
in this beat, blue truck,"
and sighed and carried on, "the two
of those in the wrong kind of space."
"Stoping when they saw me, stopping abruptly."
Then he went in for the fight, they fought while I tried to mend the garden.
I ponder while I garden.
One day will I be cheating?
Will I make blood flow so abruptly?
I rake, and weed, and truck
through my working space.
While listening to the two.
Gave up mending the garden, and drove off in my truck.
They yell about the cheating, while I ponder the same (words echo in the space.)
I add speed abruptly, and race away from the two.
{That was a poem I wrote for my creative writing class. Tune in later for my nonfiction pieces. They should be really interesting.}
I also wanted to put one of my first singing videos I have ever made on here. It is obviously really choppy and not great... plus I am not really outfitted to be filmed... but it turned out okay and I wanted to start putting that kind of stuff on here so here is:
Written and Sung (in my bedroom) by: Kristen Lohner
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